
Monday, November 18, 2013

Crumpet's Nail Tarts 33 DC Day 25 - New Technique For Me

33 DC #crumpetsnailtarts Day 25 - New Technique For Me

Finally I did a one-stroke!! Ooow yeaaaah!!
Not as scary as I thought, but it's still hard to do for sure!

I have to say that I'm quite proud of my first attempt on one-stroke. Not as horrible as I imagined before LOL :p

Aaaand look what my lovely-daddy gave me!!

Yup, nail art brush set that I've been wanting for so long! I didn't even tell him that I want one. And he bought me this lovely set without me knowing. What a sweet surprise, Dad! You rock!!
Oh and by the way, this lovely set has a flat brush that I used to create my very first one-stroke :D

This little one is what I'm most excited to try. Detailing brush! Now I don't have to use my poorly cut down mini striping brush to create detailed works. Hiphiphurraaay!!
Left: my mini striping brush that I've been using for so long to create all my detailed works (poor me)
Right: my brand new detailing brush!! (that needs to be trimmed a little bit :p )

Did you realize a little different thing up there? Ahaaa I tried a new watermark design. Well, just trying, I haven't decided whether to keep the old one or change with the new one :p

That's it! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you guys enjoyed it :D
Have a great day everyone!

God bless you


  1. Replies
    1. Aww thanks Ina!! Glad you love it (and really glad that someone actually loves my very first attempt LOL) :D

  2. I love the flowers, you did a fantabulous job!

    1. Oooh so flattered :D Thanks Alexandria, glad you love them!

  3. fantastic efect :)....they look very stunning

  4. Very pretty! I think you did great for your first attempt! It's a really hard technique, and takes a lot of practice, so far none of my attempt were photographable, LOL! In my defense I shall say I tried one stroke with nail polish which seems much harder than acryllics ;)

    1. Yeess this technique is just sooo hard :( I did it using acrylic paint which is I think so much easier than using nail polish. Well, I never tried doing one-stroke using nail polish before but isn't nail polish just too thick for one-stroke? I think you should try using acrylic paint sometimes. It's really fun to do :D And glad you like my manicure, Natalia! Thanks :D

  5. Very inspiring. I will try this some day when I have the guts..

    1. Aaaww thanks Emiline! This technique seems so intimidating but really fun to do. You should try! And glad you like it dear :D

  6. Beautiful! This is something I have yet to try; and I never would have guessed you hadn't by how nice your nails look.

    1. Aaaaww stop it you *blushing* Beginner's luck, no? LOL :p Thanks Christine :D Glad you like it!
