
Monday, August 25, 2014

Digit-al Dozen Dotting Days - Day 1: Pop Art!

Hi everyone!

We, the Digit-al Dozen gals, present to you our new.. umm.. series? This week some of us are bringing you the DDDD a.k.a. Digit-al Dozen Dotting Days (I like this name!) Like the name of this series, we are dedicating this week to dotticure.  

Digit-al Dozen Dotting Days - Day 1: Pop Art!

What I used:
- Orly "Dayglow"
- Models Own "Beach Party"
- Models Own "Bubblegum"
- Models Own "Luis Lemon"
- Models Own "Toxic Apple"
- Black acrylic paint
- Small paint brush
- OPI Matte Top Coat

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed it :D
Have a great day!

God bless you