Thursday, September 4, 2014

#31DC2014 Day 4: Green Nails

#31DC2014 Day 4: Green Nails

What I used:
- Sally Hansen "Mint Sorbet"
- Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat "Fuzz Sea"
- Revlon "Electric"
- Blue acrylic paint
- Dotting tool
- Small paint brush

That's it! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed it :D
Have a great day lovelies!

God bless you
The 31 Day Challenge - Day 4 - Green Nails

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. This is such a good combination of colors, and a great use of the Fuzzy Coat! I <3 it!

  2. beautiful :)
    hello victoria, you don't answer to my mail, are you ok ? (
