Today I have a long and full-of-words post for you
I've been nominated by some oh-so-lovely girls for various awards like months ago but due to my uni projects and stuffs I really really couldn't even think about these awards. Beside some scheduled nail art posts for the challenges I'm taking part, some VicCopycat posts, review posts, and replying comments, I did nothing on my blog. Okay that's not really "nothing" but you got the point. I don't really have time to type these bunch of words.
So here and now I'll munch all the awards in one long post! Just bear with me :D
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 1000 followers
4. Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination
5. Give your nominees 11 questions to answer.
Sunshine Award
-Brijit from Brijit's Digits
(And by the way, her Recent(ish) Awards! post really inspired me to write this post. She munched all her awards in one post!)
The Rules:-Brijit from Brijit's Digits
(And by the way, her Recent(ish) Awards! post really inspired me to write this post. She munched all her awards in one post!)
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Post the award logo on your blog
3. Share 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate 5 or more other blogs that inspire you
Versatille Award
- Kagome a.k.a. Jaclyn from Aisuru Nails

The rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
2. Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to their page/blog and let them know they've been nominated.
5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Blogger Friendship Award
- Lucy from The Nail Snail
- Lucy from The Nail Snail

The rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
2. Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to their page/blog and let them know they've been nominated.
5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Thanks a lot for each and everyone of you girls! You rock!!
1. What motivated you to start blogging?
Nothing in particular actually. I enjoy reading nail blog from the start and then I thought why not starting my own nail blog? So here I am now, still dreaming that one day I could be like my favourite nail bloggers!
2. What's your favorite design (of your own)?
Ummm it's a little hard. I'm not a kind of person who could take my own creation as my favourite. Well, I'm not that proud of my own work, still far from perfect :p But if I had to choose, I think I'll take these two.
(click the picture to see the full post)
I've never thought about anything else beside nail art before because nail blogging has taken a lot of my time. But I love knitting so much, so I think I'd choose knitting. Or crafting :p
4. What unexpected challenges did you have to overcome, either as a blogger or an artist?
Time management! I didn't expect that nail blogging would be this time-consuming.
5. Any lemmings right now? What are they?
I really really want an OPI Brazil Collection! And China Glaze Sea Goddess Collection!
6. Who inspires you as a blogger and an artist?
A lot of big nail bloggers do. Like Nailed It, Chalkboard Nails, Coewless Polish, Wondrously Polished, etc
7. What's your favorite finish?
Matte!! Definitely matte! And I broke my heart when I broke my OPI Matte Top Coat few months ago :( So I bought a new one right away! lol
8. What nail care item or technique can you not live without? (anything from cuticle oil to dotting tools is fine)
I'd say my cuticle care products. I still can endure brittle nails than dry and wild cuticles. And my detail brush!! I just can't imagine doing nail art without a detail brush!
9. If you could make one subtraction and one addition to #31DC what would they be?
Wow, interesting! Let's see... Subtract the water marble and add the batik print!! (LOL I'm such a good citizen of Indonesia :p )
10. If you had to start a collection from scratch, how would you go about it?
I'd cry. LOL!
11. We all know that funky nails can draw the eyes of random passers-by. What's your favorite story of a stranger reacting to your nail art?
I remember that funny moment when I was in a shopping mall. I was talking to my dad that time and I always use hand motions when talking. Then one random passer-by, which is a girl, stopped between us, a bit behind my dad, and stared at my nails for the whole 5 seconds. Seriously I was shocked! But then she just walked away like nothing happened. I really couldn't hold my laughter afterward.
My answers to Leah from Fedora Harp
1. What's your favorite kind of manicure to make/wear?
I really love one stroke manicure but I don't think I'm really good at it.
2. When do you like to fit nail art into your schedule?
I most likely do my nail art at night.
3. We all know that funky nails can draw the eyes of random passers-by. What's your favorite story of a stranger reacting to your nail art?
I remember that funny moment when I was in a shopping mall. I was talking to my dad that time and I used hand motions when talking. Then one random passer-by, which is a girl, stopped between us, a bit behind my dad, and stared at my nails for the whole 5 seconds. Seriously I was shocked! But then she just walked away like nothing happened. I really couldn't hold my laughter afterward.
4. What other hobbies/interests do you have, other than nail art?
Knitting!! And reading (Sherlock Holmes!!)
5. How much time do you typically dedicate to nail art, and how often?
Twice a week for now, but when I have some more free time I also use it for doing some nail art. Well, let's say everyday :p
6. What nail art tool do you use the most?
My detail brush!
7. What inspired you to get into nail art?
First time I started to love nail art was when I accidentally watched one of the water marble tutorials by Simple Little Pleasures and I thought it was really cool. I mean, how did she do that?! That kind of nail art does exist? And then that video drowned me in this pretty obsession.
8. What is your favorite nail blog to follow?
Oh nooo, may I change the question? It should be "are" and not "is" :D I love loads of nail blogs, like Nailed It, Chalkboard Nails, Coewless Polish, Craftynails, Brijit's Digits, Follow Gashin, Wondrously Polished, and soooo many more!
9. Which design (of your own) are you most proud of?
Same with my answer above, these two cutie babies :p
(click the picture to see the full post)
10. Besides nail art, what else would you like to blog about?
If only I could have 48 hours a day, I'd blog about knitting.
11. And for fun, if you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Does having a universal remote to control life like the one in "Click" count as superpower? Because it'd be superfun if I could pause the time, rewind, fast forward, change the language, etc. But I don't want to end up horribly wrong like in the movie :(
My answers to Katie from Lost and Found
1. How are you today?
Perfect and ready to rock!
2. Do you eat breakfast? What?
I don't really eat breakfast everyday. Sometimes I just grab a glass of water (that's not breakfast) or a glass of... nothing? LOL I really don't eat breakfast because it always makes me want to poop when I'm in class. I know yuck!
3. What's your top coat of choice?
Currently it's Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat.
4. What do you watch on tv?
I don't really watch TV, but I love National Geographic Adventure's programs. Almost all of them. Just because I love traveling.
5. Can you cook? What's your best dish?
Well, not really, but I love cooking. I think my fried rice is good. I think...
6. Do you like to read?
Oooh yeeess, a lot!! I really love Sherlock Holmes, The Famous Five, Detective Conan a.k.a. Case Closed comic book, etc.
7. Do you have any special talents?
Ummm... I can sleep for more than 12 hours when I'm on holiday. Is that a special talent?
8. Who's your favourite artist?
Klaire from Klaire de Lys! She's awesome!
9. Science museum, cool or boring?
Def sooo cool! Science is always so exciting.
10. How would you like to celebrate your birthday?
Having dinner with my family. Yup!
11. How clumsy are you?
Ha ha! The clumsiest a human being could be!
Fun facts (7 from Sunshine + 7 from Versatille + 7 from Blogger Friendship = 21 facts! Wow!):
1. I'm really really really NOT a morning person. I'd rather stay up until 5 a.m. than wake up at 5 a.m.
2. I like to eat my snack using chopsticks when I don't want my hands getting dirty and greasy (mostly when I'm working with my computer)
3. I love watching Ryan Higa a.k.a Nigahiga's videos on Youtube! I'm such a loyal subscriber :p
4. I like watching make up tutorial videos but I never really put on a complete make up on my face. Just BB cream and mascara (and eyeliner sometimes)
5. I don't like to wear lipsticks. They're all sticky and taste (or smell?) weird. If I have to add color to my lips, I'll choose lip tint. Definitely!
6. Chemistry was my least favourite major when I was in middle school but surprisingly became my most favourite major when I was in highschool
7. I have one older brother and one younger brother. Yes, I'm the only daughter my parents have
8. I'm 1 year + 6 months - 2 days older than my younger brother
9. Sometimes I can sleep for 14 hours when I don't have any class the next morning
10. My biggest dream is to travel around the world! I really love to travel
11. Even when I'm super full, I always have room for sushi and ice cream in my stomach
12. My dad is a doctor. An andrologist to be exact.
13. When I was around 5 years old, I wanted to be a doctor because my dad is a doctor. I think it's pretty cool. But then I realized that I love art more than I love science. I really love science, really really love it, but my love for art is just bigger.
14. I really love hot and spicy food. And when it comes to hot and spicy food, Indonesia is paradise!
15. I always get stomachache after filling my stomach with spicy food. But I just can't hold myself from eating. It's worth the pain :p
16. I don't have any skirt. Any! No, no, no! Skirt is a big no for me!
17. I used to play basketball when I was in junior high and high school. I'm good at dribbling, I can use both hands. But I'm so terrible at shooting. Really terrible!
4. I like watching make up tutorial videos but I never really put on a complete make up on my face. Just BB cream and mascara (and eyeliner sometimes)
5. I don't like to wear lipsticks. They're all sticky and taste (or smell?) weird. If I have to add color to my lips, I'll choose lip tint. Definitely!
6. Chemistry was my least favourite major when I was in middle school but surprisingly became my most favourite major when I was in highschool
7. I have one older brother and one younger brother. Yes, I'm the only daughter my parents have
8. I'm 1 year + 6 months - 2 days older than my younger brother
9. Sometimes I can sleep for 14 hours when I don't have any class the next morning
10. My biggest dream is to travel around the world! I really love to travel
11. Even when I'm super full, I always have room for sushi and ice cream in my stomach
12. My dad is a doctor. An andrologist to be exact.
13. When I was around 5 years old, I wanted to be a doctor because my dad is a doctor. I think it's pretty cool. But then I realized that I love art more than I love science. I really love science, really really love it, but my love for art is just bigger.
14. I really love hot and spicy food. And when it comes to hot and spicy food, Indonesia is paradise!
15. I always get stomachache after filling my stomach with spicy food. But I just can't hold myself from eating. It's worth the pain :p
16. I don't have any skirt. Any! No, no, no! Skirt is a big no for me!
17. I used to play basketball when I was in junior high and high school. I'm good at dribbling, I can use both hands. But I'm so terrible at shooting. Really terrible!
18. My hair and eyes are dark brown
19. I'm a Starbucks junkie
20. My bloodtype is B
21. I'm an Aries
Now for the nomination. Don't worry, I'll cut it down :p
Liebster Award:
- Missy from Gnarly Gnails
- Sabrina from Polish Alcoholic
- Luchessa from Beauty Expression
- Sam from Finger Food
- Vicky from Vicky Loves Nails
- Kerry from Painted Fingertips
- Jaclyn from Aisuru Nails
- Lucy from The Nail Snail
- Cynthia from Octafrestila Nail & Face Art
- Sovi from Sovi's Nail Journal
Sunshine, Versatille, or Blogger Friendship Award
(You can choose one them, they're pretty similar)
- Jacqui from Craftynail
- Brijit from Brijit's Digits
- Jemma from Eeeek! Nail Polish!
- Jolène from Follow Gashin
- Margee from Nailuminium
- Leah from Fedora Harp
- Katie from Lost and Found
- Stephanie Indah Mulya from Nail Art Overdose
- Kiki from Kiki Coroline's Blog
My questions for the Liebster Award Nominees are still the same as before:
1. Who or what drowned you in nail blogging?
2. If you had to choose between neon or pastel to be used for the whole year, what will you choose?
3. What's your most used nail art technique?
4. What was the very first nail polish you bought?
5. If you were prohibited to buy more nail polishes and only have one last chance to buy one bottle of nail polish (I know it's hard but yes, just one!), what would it be?
6. Big city with tall buildings and high-tech life, or small village with farms and green forest? (And both of them have same nail art stores and internet connection LOL)
7. What's your I-can't-resist-even-when-I'm-full food or snack?
8. If you had a time machine to travel to the past and future, what year would you like to be in?
9. A movie or series?
10. If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
11. If you're an ice cream, what kind of ice cream are you?
Phew~~ And that's it! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed reading all of those words :D
Have a great day my loves!
God bless you

Wow, I was so surprised to see my name there! Thanks for the nomination my dear! And, I think you're AWESOME at one-stroke, I can't do it at all! :)
ReplyDeleteAaarh darn it I forgot to tell the nominees. My pleasure Kerry, you're awesome and you deserve it :D
DeleteOoooh Kerryyy stop it now *blushing* I'm glad you think I am :D Thanks a lot dear!
wahhh jd nominate :* kisskisshughug..
ReplyDeletethanksss vic :)
Ahhahaha sama2 Cyyyn :D *peluuukk!!* lol
Deletethank you sweetie! i loved reading all your randoms!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Jac! It's always fun reading some random facts about someone isn't it? Can't wait to read more of your randoms! :D
Delete(fedoraharp here, this is my alternate account)
ReplyDeleteWow, a lot of stuff accumulated for you, huh? Thanks for the nomination back! I'd never heard of these particular awards before so it'll be fun to try!
Yess, a LOT! lol :D Can't wait to read your randoms!
DeleteOh my goodness, it seems like this must've taken you forever to write! I applaud your dedication :) Thank you for nominating me!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure :D And so true, honey! It took forever to write! Actually I planned to finish this post on December last year so it's two months late :p
DeleteHey, thanks! :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome honey! :D